Contact Us

Contact the Library for help and assistance with any of our services.

Library chat and FAQs

Chat with someone from the Library online for one-on-one support with finding academic resources, using the Library, referencing, and completing your assignments. Chat is available during Library opening hours.

FAQs contain answers to our most common questions from referencing to copyright.

Enquiries, feedback and bookings

Visit the Library

Located on levels 7 to 9 of UTS Central, UTS Library is accessible to UTS students, staff, and other Library members via swipe card access. Accessible access to levels 8 and 9 of the Library is available via the Security desk on level 7.

The UTS Reading Room, located on levels 5 and 6 of UTS Central, is accessible to UTS students, staff, and Library clients. 

Check the opening hours before visiting the UTS Library and UTS Reading Room.

Details on Library spaces including floor plans can be found on the Study Spaces, Computers, and Printing page.

Information about tours and visiting the library is available on the Day Visitors and Tours page.


UTS Library
UTS Central (building 2)
61 Broadway
Ultimo NSW 2007

Postal address

UTS Library
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007

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